Texas Holdem Poker Chip Calculator

In a Texas Holdem cash game, the chips you have in front of you are valued in real dollars, when you bet a $5 chip – that’s the equivalent of a real five bucks from your pocket. This means that decisions you make cumulatively win or lose you that money. Any player can hit some nice cards and walk away with a profit in the short-term. Over the long-run, successful players are those who understand and study poker strategy – finding weaknesses in their opponents play and betting in such a way as to take advantage of these weaknesses. This article covers the fundamentals of Texas Holdem cash game strategy, outlining the building blocks that you can use to consistently beat the games.

First up you will find information on the swings inherent in poker games and how to overcome this using bankroll management and focusing on making ‘good’ decisions. Next the fundamental concepts of position and starting hand selection are discussed. After this an overview of the need-to-know poker math – followed by some ideas for areas to explore once you have learned the basics.

Poker Chip Calculator: Enter the number of players in your tournament and the number of chips they will be starting with.

Good Decisions And Variance

  • Here is a poker chip calculator to help you test your poker chip distribution for poker tournaments. The calculator will allow you to try out different combinations of poker chip colors and denominations. This poker chip calculator makes it easy to determine the total value of your poker chipset, how many chips are issued to each player,.
  • The App Store's best Texas Hold'em Poker Odds Calculator.Find out how strong your hands really are.Take your game to the next level with Texas Holdem Poker Odds. Game and your chip stack.

Poker has a large element of luck over the short-term. You can run Kings into Aces, lose those coin-flip hands and your drawing hands can miss. You could have played ‘correctly’ and still end up with a large loss.

Texas Holdem Poker Calculator

Even the best players in the world suffer from short-term swings.

To counter this you need to make sure you only play with a small proportion of your bankroll in any one game. 1/20th (5%) is the accepted level to overcome the short-term swings. If you are able to easily reload your account then you can loosen up on this. However, if you are serious about your poker then bankroll management is an important factor.

All you can do in poker is make the best decisions possible based on the information you have available. If you do this over and over again, and manage your bankroll sensibly, then you will end up a winner.

Adjusting For Position

If 2 players of equal skill and experience sat down to play, the person who played more hands when they acted last after the flop would win in the long-run. This is known as having ‘position’ and is far more important than most new players realize.

Positional strategy includes folding speculative starting hands when first to act at the table, and playing more of these hands from the button position. You should also tend to play tighter from the blinds – even though it is ‘cheaper’ to enter the pot – since you will be first to act after the flop from these playing positions.

Starting Hand Selection in Texas Holdem Cash Games

A big leak for many beginning poker players is to play far too many hands. This can include any Ace-x hand, any 2 suited cards or even worse holdings! If your opponents are being more selective, then you would need to be a fantastic post-flop player to even come close to making up for this.

Instead you should find a tight range of starting hands and adjust this based on several factors. For early table positions and after someone already raised you should fold the weakest end or your range. When first to enter the pot and in late position you can loosen up a little bit.

Using Poker Math Strategy

Texas Holdem Poker Chip Calculator

It is extremely difficult to beat online poker games without knowing the basic math. Most of this is easy to learn – and even the advanced areas have special tools and calculators to help you out. There are several aspects of math to learn including pot-odds and outs, implied odds, prize pool equity models and how to assess what hands people are playing and the equity that individual hands have against those ranges.

Spending just a few hours learning the different aspects of poker math will have a huge effect on your profit – this will allow you to make more ‘good’ decisions and to spot those opponents who are making bad ones.

Advanced Concepts for Texas Holdem Cash Game Strategy

Once you have understood the basics of cash game strategy, you can start to branch out into the more advanced topics. First on my list is bet-sizing, and how to adjust this for specific situations and opponent types. After that you can focus on the process of reading your opponents hands – and spotting ‘leaks’ in both your own game and that of your opponents.

Remember, poker is a game of relative skill. However good you are, there will be people who can beat you. This holds true at all levels of the game, and if you take the time to find soft games with inexperienced opponents, your profits will improve significantly.

Texas holdem calculators and tools can be used to help
inexperienced players become better at the game. Learning what
combinations of cards are the best to have in your hand allows
you to feel more confident in your ability which leads to a
better chance at winning each hand.

Below you’ll find a detailed analysis of some of the most
popular Texas holdem calculators and tools that you can find
online. Many of them do perform the same functions, but some are
more advanced than others.

Can I Win

Released in 2016 this calculator gives the player the option
to find different combinations of hole cards, number of players,
and community cards, to determine the best combination of cards
with the best win percentage.

We like the easy to use interface; just click on the cards
you want to be in the hole. Next click on the five cards for
your community cards, and determine the number of players in the

As you place your cards the calculator starts to determine
the likeliness of you winning the hand or the hand ending in a
tie. You can then rearrange the cards and find the best
combinations with the highest win percentage.

One bad thing about this calculator is the error percentage.
This site has a 95% error margin and is based on no one in the
game folding. Although this is nice to see what cards when
paired together will get the best results we don’t recommend
relying solely on this calculator.

Card Player

Released in 2001 this calculator is a great way for a
seasoned poker player to see what the best two cards to get when
playing with nine other players.

As you place the cards you choose cards for each of the
players, plus your hole cards. As you choose cards the win
percentage is calculated for each player. Once all the slots
have been filled with cards we can see the win and tie
percentage for each player.

If you see that there could possibly be a better match you
can replace cards. To replace a card click on it and move it to
the dead card section at the bottom of the screen. This is just
like when you’re playing and you discard then replace the
discarded card with a new one to see if you were right.

The only bad thing about the calculator is that it’s not as
easy to use as some of the others available for beginners. Those
who have no poker knowledge won’t benefit as much from using
this calculator.

Wizard of Odds

Released in 1998 Wizardofodds.com has the most user friendly
calculator we could find. This calculator gives the user many
different options that the others don’t. The ability to fold,
random deal, and manual deal give the user a much wider
knowledge of the odds.

Once you click on the random button the calculator deals the hole cards for
each of the ten players and the three community cards. The user
can then choose the remaining two community cards. Once all the
cards are on the table we can see who has the highest win

Unlike some other calculators this one allows the user to
fold a hand to see how this changes the win percentage for each
person. Folds can be done at any time during the use of the
calculator. We especially liked this feature because it allows
the user to determine the number of players in the game and how
each person’s hand affects the others.

The manual deal option that most calculators use is also
available. Having both options allows this calculator to support
both the seasoned player as well as the beginners that are just
trying to figure the game out.

Equilab Software

Equilab is a software package that can be used to help you
become a master at any poker table. Many avid poker players play
the same opponents and as time goes by they learn how the other
person plays the game. When they will fold, what hands they like
to play, and when they’re bluffing. This software helps you take
that knowledge and use it to help you win.

Having knowledge of hand ranges and hand combinations is a
skill that’s important for all poker players. This knowledge
helps the players be able to determine their equity in each
round of play. Equilab is used to help the player see all the
possibilities and how each one will affect their equity in the

  1. The first thing you do is input your hand into the software.

    Click on the second button Card Selection on line BU. A pop up
    window appears and you click on your hole cards and click OK.
    You’ll then see your cards listed in the blank space to the

  2. Second, you select a range for your opponent’s hand.

    To select the range click the first button Hand Range on line BB.
    This opens up another pop up window. In this window you can
    choose multiple ranges for your opponent’s hand manually. Also
    in this window you can choose to use a predefined range.
    However, these ranges are mostly based on fixed limit cards.
    Another tool available on this pop up window is the range

If you have stats on a player you can use those to set the
range slider to automatically select your opponent’s hand range.
Although this helps determine the ranges in a faster time frame
than manually entering the data it’s not as accurate.

After you’ve entered each player’s hand click on evaluate to
see where you stand with your equity percentage before you enter
any more cards. This way you can see how each change from here
on out effects your equity in the game.

Once you have everyone’s hand entered into the software it’s
time to enter the flop cards. These cards can be entered
manually into the box labeled flop. Then click evaluate again to
see how these cards changed your percentage.

Texas Holdem Poker Chip Calculator

Now we can go back and change the range for our opponents. To
do so we just click on the range selection button for that
player’s line and deselect any range we think the player would
fold on.

We found that the more you play with the software and the
ranges you input the better you understand how each play affects
your percentage.

The software has other features available as well such as the
scenario analyzer, and the equity trainer.

Texas Holdem Hand Odds Calculator

The scenario analyzer allows you to quickly see how a lot of
different scenarios can change the way a hand can play out and
how it will affect your equity in the pot.

The equity trainer gives you scenarios and allows you to
determine the amount of equity you think you would have and then
gives you the right answer so you can see if you understand
correctly or not.

Texas Holdem Poker Chip Calculator

Equilab is great free software that can help players analyze
the game and become more likely to win. However, we found the
software to be aimed at those who are avid poker players and
those who play for a living. The software requires the user to
be familiar with how their opponents play and what hands they
usually play. Beginners will find this software confusing and
hard to use.

Poker Listings

Since 2003 pokerlistings.com has given players the fastest
most accurate odds calculator. This calculator can give you an
upper hand when playing either online or live poker. It’s easy
to use and fast so you can make on the spot decisions that lead
to a greater chance of winning.

First you select what type of poker you’re playing and how
many players are in the game.

Then select the suit of the first card in your hand. Then
select the face or number variation.

Continue until you have all players cards selected. Once the
hands are set select the flop and turn cards.

To see the results for each player click on the get odds
button and the calculator will calculate the win, loss, and tie
for each hand. You can then make changes to the cards or reset
to start from scratch.

Being able to use this calculator during a game gives you the
ability to make quick decision and have a better chance at
winning the game. It’s very easy to use and can be used by all
players from the inexperienced to the pro.

Texas Calculatem

Every poker player would love to have a calculator that plays
the game right with them. Texas Calculatem is just such a
calculator. This tool’s Auto-Read technology makes it incredibly
easy to use because it does all the hard work for you.

Once installed open the software and set the “Auto-Read”
settings. Next click on the Attach to Game button and a small
window will appear. All the player has to do now is drag the
window over the game they’re playing and a connection will be
established. Once the connection is established the software
starts reading the game and works its magic.

Two features that players should use are the sliders and the
deck view. The sliders allow the player to determine how tight
or how loose they want to play. We recommend using the sliders
to find a comfortable medium that works well with your style of

The Deck View feature gives the player an upper hand by
allowing them to see what cards are left to be played. This can
give even the most inexperienced player a great advantage over
their opponent.

Although this software is a great tool and is very easy to
use we found that the free version does not always work as it’s
supposed too. It seems to have some limitations as to how many
hands you have to play and how much money must be played before
the free version can be used. The upside is there’s a version
that can be bought that has all the features and does not seem
to have many issues.

Review Poker Rooms

Texas Holdem Calculators

In 2005 reviewpokerrooms.com released their site to help
poker players all over the world. Although the site is mostly
reviews of different poker games it does provide an odds
calculator specifically for Texas holdem players.

The calculator is very minimal and less interactive than some
of the others we found available. To use this calculator you
have to manually type in the cards for each player. Cards are
entered in the form 23456789TQKA and CDHS which can cause for
some confusion if you’re not careful.

Once you determine the cards being played by each player you
then choose the five board cards, otherwise known as the flop,
turn, and river cards.

To complete the calculation you click on the calculate button
and it will calculate the odds for each player to win the round.

Although this calculator is very simplistic it’s not as
appealing as some of the other options. We found it to be
accurate and easy to use. However, if you’re not careful you
might over use a card combination without realizing it.

Internet Texas Holdem

The newest edition to the online odds calculator market can
be found at internettexasholdem.com. The calculator is designed
to test your hand odds against a range of hands for the other
player. This calculator is designed to be easy to use and give
the best results for you against a variety of possibilities.

To use the calculator, first select your hole cards. Then you
have the option to select the community cards. Unlike most of
the other calculators we tested this one allows you to select
any dead cards if you choose to.

Best Texas Holdem Odds Calculator

Next click in the “Against” section, and select the hands
within your opponent’s range. You can select the PP button at
the top right corner to automatically select all pocket pairs.

Another option available when selecting the range of hands of
your opponent is to differentiate between suited cards on the
bottom right versus non-suited hands on the top left.

Holdem Hand Calculator

This calculator is easy to use and provides the percentage
calculations needed to make well informed decisions on whether
to fold your hand or continue. Although it’s not as interactive
or flashy as some of the others it still accomplishes the goal
of determining if you have a chance of winning the game. For a
no frills player who just wants a quick, easy, and efficient
calculator, this is a good choice.


Texas Holdem Poker Odds Chart

Using a Texas holdem calculator can be a tremendous help for
poker players of all skill levels. As you gain experience you’ll
find that you already know the odds and percentages based on
being in the same situation before. But don’t hesitate to use a
calculator for as long as you need it. It may be the difference
between a winning and losing session.