Most laptops and computers come with built-in SD card slots to accommodate SD memory cards. The SD memory card is a portable storage device that is used by many electronic devices, including cameras, media players and music players. The mini card is used to store music, movies, photos and data files that can be transferred between electronic devices and computers.
On most motherboards, the memory slots are located on either side of the CPU, and resemble what is shown below. Most computer motherboards have two, three, or four memory slots. Some higher-end motherboards have as many as eight. The motherboard in the picture above has no memory modules installed in any of its three slots. Jan 17, 2019 About the SD and SDXC card slot on your Mac Some Mac computers feature an SD (Secure Digital) or SDXC (Secure Digital Extended Capacity) card slot that lets your Mac read and write data to SD media, such as digital camera memory cards.
Look at the front and sides of the keyboard of your laptop computer for a slot labeled “SD.”

Look at the front of the tower of your desktop computer for a slot labeled “SD.”
If you are running Windows 10, click and hold 'Start,' then click 'Device Manager' in the menu that appears. In the device manager, look for a device labeled “SD host adapter.” If you see it, your computer has a built-in SD card reader. If you can locate the slot but not the device listing, or see the listing but not the slot, contact your computer's manufacturer for more information.
If you have Windows 7, click “Start,” right-click “Computer” and click “Manage.” Click “Device Manager” in the left pane of the Computer Management window. Look for a device labeled “SD host adapter.” If you see this device, your computer has a built-in SD card reader. If you still can't locate the slot, you may have to refer to the owner's manual or the manufacturer's website.